Cheshire Woman of the Year
Quick HR Lesson
Tales to Inspire
Guardian Woman
Media (click on images)
Offering Individuals and Organizations face to face, remote , and 1:1 training.
Interactive Workshops for Businesses and Organizations.
Providing comprehensive advice tailored to your organization.
Develop strategies, communications, and events activities with organizations.
Georgina Steele MEng
She's a very inspirational woman who is not afraid to speak her mind and take up space to make changes.
Ash Rama
When Ije combines her story with her incredible ability to engage an audience by asking questions that cut through any bias or presumption, it makes for a session that pauses time a little and allows you to reflect on what it is about your story that shapes who you are today.
Staffline Recruitment Ltd.
Ije, your charisma and passion towards fighting racial injustice is awe-inspiring. On behalf of the 100+ colleagues that attended your webinar, we thank you for educating us and we're honoured to celebrate Black History Month with you.